Innovation, Enterprise

and business development

This unit was all about learning out to create a project tender, set out and plan the project goals, and define a realistic budget.

The goal of this project was to plan out an app for the national trust on Brownsea island and create a porject tender brief, a microsoft project file showing allocation of resources making use of a gantt chart, and finally to define a budget for the project on the whole.

The first step was to create the tender, this was used to define the product specification and design choices, outline the product development plan and explain the financial and commercial details for this project. I had to decide on features and levels of detail for the app including the development platform, software to be used etc for this project which really taught me how much there is to think about when it comes to starting out in the development cycle and how to give reason for things being a part of the app.

The next problem to solve was the time management and allocation of resources, this is what the Gantt chart was used for, I had to make sure tasks were allocated to the correct employees and make sure no one was over allocated whilst also making sure the project was done by the set completion date. This turned out to be a massive learning opportunity for me, having to set out all the tasks and think about who needed to do them and when really taught me how to manage my own time better and be more aware of the overall project.

Finally, I had to sum up the costs of the project and justify why it cost what it cost, I also had to add in a level of contingency to the project to allow for unexpected issues to be fixed or more time to be used if the initial allocation was incorrect.

Overall this project was difficult because it was a totally different sort of work to the rest of the units, however, I believe it is one of the units that taught me the most about managing my own time and making sure I plan tasks out effectively, which has become an invaluable skill in the rest of my university life and especially when it came to doing my dissertation.

You can view a copy of the tender I created here.


AI Pathfinding


Ray Tracer